by Payless Building Supply of Lodi


Call before you come. Our yard is small and not all products are readily available, or may have been recently sold.

Cedar is a warm toned wood that is naturally rot and insect resistant.

Click here for Cedar Sidings

Click here for Cedar Fencing

2"x4" KD Alaskan Yellow Cedar #3

(1.5 in. x 3.5 in.)

This is kiln dried Alaskan Yellow Cedar that made it through the first few steps of selection to make glu lam beams, but did not make it through the final stages of selection dropping them to the #3.

2x4 Alaskan Yellow Cedar

49¢LF by the unit

  1. 176/8' 1408LF $753.74 Tax Included
  2. 3/5' 91/6' 4/7' 78/8' 1213LF $649.35 Tax Included
  3. 54/6' 10/7' 112/8' 1290LF $690.57 Tax Included
  4. 32/8' 144/10' 1696LF $907.91 Tax Included
  5. 63/6' 58/8' 3/9' 45/10' 6/12' 1449LF $775.69 Tax Included
  6. 77/8' 57/9' 74/10' 1869LF $1000.52 Tax Included
  7. 24/6' 5/7' 135/8' 7/9' 11/10' 1432LF $766.59 Tax Included
  8. 15/10' 161/12' 2082LF $1114.55 Tax Included

2"x6" KD Alaskan Yellow Cedar #3

(1.5 in. x 5.5 in.)

This is kiln dried Alaskan Yellow Cedar that made it through the first few steps of selection to make glu lam beams, but did not make it through the final stages of selection dropping them to the #3.

75¢LF by the unit

  1. 46/6' 41/8' 1/9' 613LF $502.28 Tax Included
  2. 1/6' 5/7' 40/8' 361LF $295.79 Tax Included
  3. 17/6' 11/7' 77/8' 3/9' 20/10' 1022LF $837.40 Tax Included
  4. 56/6' 5/7' 13/8' 1/9' 3/10' 514LF $421.16 Tax Included
  5. 31/6' 5/7' 69/8' 29/10' 2/12' 1087LF $890.66 Tax Included

2"x8" KD Alaskan Yellow Cedar #3

(1.5 in. x 7.25 in.)

This is kiln dried Alaskan Yellow Cedar that made it through the first few steps of selection to make glu lam beams, but did not make it through the final stages of selection dropping them to the #3.

99¢LF by the unit

  1. 9/8' 13/9' 23/10' 419LF $453.18 Tax Included
  2. 5/13' 21/14' 2/15' 1/16' 405LF $438.04 Tax Included
  3. 28/6' 8/7' 15/8' 1/9' 20/10' 553LF $598.11 Tax Included
  4. 2/14' 36/16' 28/18' 6/20' 1228LF $1328.17 Tax Included
  5. 8/8' 16/9' 18/10' 14/11' 19/12' 10/13' 11/14' 1054LF $1139.98 Tax Included

2"x10" KD Alaskan Yellow Cedar #3

(1.5 in. x 9.25 in.)

This is kiln dried Alaskan Yellow Cedar that made it through the first few steps of selection to make glu lam beams, but did not make it through the final stages of selection dropping them to the #3.

1.29¢LF by the unit

  1. 1/12' 3/14' 1/16' 70LF $98.65 Tax Included

2"x6" Dry Port Orford Cedar #3&Better

(1.5 in. x 5.5 in.)

Port Orford Cedar is a really light color cedar with all the rot and insect resistance that cedar is known for. The #3 and better will have some blemishes, but there will also be boards that just are slightly too dark for the premium grades as color is part of the selection.

Port Orford Cedar

  1. 56/6' 336LF / 154 SqFt $330 Tax Included

1"x12" KD Cedar Tahoe 'Shorts'

(0.875 in. x 11.25 in.)

KD Select Cedar Smooth one Side and Resawn on the other.

89¢LF by the unit

  1. 64/4' 256LF $248.92 Tax Included

2"x12" Dry Cedar #4

(1.5 in. x 11.25 in.) This is a rustic grade of cedar and there will be some pecky boards.

#4 Cedar

$1.72LF by the pallet

  1. 9/12' 17/14' 38/16' 954LF $1792.66 Tax Included

5/4"x4" Dry #3 Cedar Radius Edge Decking

(1.031 in. x 3.5 in.)

This is one step down from the standard grade of decking. There may be some bark edge on the back, an occasional missing knot, a solid knot that is larger than allowed in the higher grades, or some other feature that kept it from the higher grade. With a little bit of waste it makes a pretty nice deck or porch. Deck joists must be 16" O.C. or less.

29¢LF by the unit

  1. 172/6' 114/8' 1944LF / 567 SqFt $615.91 Tax Included
  2. 175/6' 111/8' 1938LF / 565 SqFt $614.01 Tax Included
  3. 179/6' 94/8' 1826LF / 532 SqFt $578.52 Tax Included
  4. 159/6' 101/8' 1762LF / 513 SqFt $558.25 Tax Included

5/4"x4" Dry #4 Cedar Radius Edge Decking

(1.031 in. x 3.5 in.)

This is a downfall grade. Perfect for lawn furniture, pallet making, planter boxes, and a variety of outdoor and garden projects.

15¢LF by the unit

  1. 231/6' 126/8' 2394LF $392.32 Tax Included
  2. 207/6' 129/8' 2274LF $372.65 Tax Included
  3. 208/6' 126/8' 2256LF $369.70 Tax Included
  4. 200/6' 136/8' 2288LF $374.95 Tax Included
  5. 136/12' 65/14' 25/16' 2942LF / 858 SqFt $482.12 Tax Included
  6. 27/6' 38/8' 466LF / 135 SqFt $76.37 Tax Included

5/4"x4" Dry #5 Cedar Radius Edge Decking

(1.031 in. x 3.5 in.)

This is a mill reject grade. Possibly usable for lawn furniture, pallet making, planter boxes, and a variety of outdoor and garden projects.

9¢LF by the unit

  1. 127/6' 60/8' 99/10' 2232LF / 651 SqFt $219.46 Tax Included
  2. 48/6' 43/8' 13/10' 762LF / 222 SqFt $74.92 Tax Included


Drilling, sawing, sanding or machining wood products generates wood dust and other substances known to the State of California to cause cancer Avoid inhaling dust generated from wood products or use a dust mask or other safeguards to avoid inhaling dust generated from wood products. Wood products emit chemicals known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. California Health and Safety Code Section 25249.6